Discovering Alternatives Keyboard to the QWERTY: A Comprehensive Guide

Did you know that the QWERTY keyboard, the layout we’re all so accustomed to, isn’t the only one out there?

Yes, you read that right!

There’s an entire world of alternative keyboard layouts designed to improve your typing efficiency, comfort, and speed.

Let’s delve into this fascinating realm together.

The Reign of QWERTY: A Historical Perspective

Since the late 19th century, the QWERTY keyboard layout has been the de facto standard for typewriters and computers.

Named after the first six letters on the upper left row of the keyboard, the QWERTY layout was designed to prevent mechanical typewriters from jamming.

Despite the advent of modern technology and the absence of mechanical limitations in our digital age, the QWERTY layout still rules.

But is it the best we can get?

Well, let’s explore.

Alternatives to the QWERTY Keyboard

Imagine you’re a professional typist who spends hours typing each day.

Wouldn’t you appreciate a keyboard layout that can help you type faster, experience less fatigue, and potentially avoid repetitive strain injuries?

Here’s where alternative keyboard layouts come into play.

Dvorak Simplified Keyboard

The Dvorak Simplified Keyboard, or simply Dvorak, is one of the most well-known alternatives to the QWERTY layout.

Dr. August Dvorak and his brother-in-law, Dr. William Dealey, developed it in the 1930s to increase typing efficiency.

The layout places the most commonly used keys on the ‘home row,’ reducing finger movement and allowing for faster, more comfortable typing.

Take the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog,” which uses every letter of the alphabet.

You’ll be surprised to know that 70% of this sentence can be typed on the home row in Dvorak, compared to only 32% on QWERTY!

Colemak Keyboard

Shai Coleman introduced the Colemak layout in 2006, designed to be a practical alternative to QWERTY.

Colemak retains many of the familiar aspects of QWERTY, making it easier for users to transition.

The design minimizes finger movement, leading to speedier typing, and places emphasis on the strongest fingers.

A real-life example of this could be a coder who has to type complex code.

With Colemak, common coding characters are easier to reach, thereby increasing coding efficiency.

Workman Keyboard Layout

The Workman layout, created by OJ Bucao, focuses on reducing lateral finger movement, stressing the ‘horizontal effort’ over the ‘vertical effort.’

This unique design approach reduces the strain on your hands, especially if you spend a lot of time typing.

Workman is ideal for anyone who has faced hand strain issues due to extended typing periods on QWERTY.

Maltron Keyboard

Unlike the other layouts, the Maltron keyboard isn’t just about key arrangement; it also involves a physical keyboard with a 3D design.

The design positions the keys to align with natural finger movements, making typing less strenuous and more intuitive.

Maltron might be the choice for those suffering from RSI or carpal tunnel syndrome as it provides an ergonomic advantage.

Choosing the Right Alternative: What’s Best For You?

The right keyboard layout varies from person to person and largely depends on what you want to achieve.

Are you seeking speed, comfort, or something to reduce strain due to long typing hours?

For speed and efficiency, you might want to consider the Dvorak or Colemak layouts.

If reducing strain is your top priority, then the Workman or Maltron keyboards might be the right choice.

Before making a switch, remember that it takes time to adapt to a new keyboard layout.

Initially, you might see a decrease in your typing speed, but don’t worry.

With practice, you’ll become proficient and may even surpass your previous QWERTY speeds.

The Path to Switching Keyboard Layouts

It might seem daunting at first to switch your keyboard layout, especially when you’ve been using QWERTY your entire life.

But the transition isn’t as complicated as you might think.

Research, Research, Research

Before you decide to switch to a new layout, it’s essential to do some research.

Look into the pros and cons of each layout, understand their design philosophy, and see how they might fit into your typing habits.

If possible, find people who have made the switch and hear their experiences.

They can provide valuable insights and practical tips for a smoother transition.

Slow and Steady

Switching to a new keyboard layout won’t happen overnight.

It’s a gradual process that requires practice and patience.

Start by practicing for short periods every day.

There are many online tools available that provide lessons and exercises for alternative keyboard layouts.

Make use of them to hone your skills.

Use Dual Layouts

During the transition phase, you can use both QWERTY and your new layout.

For example, use the new layout when you’re practicing or during non-critical typing tasks, and switch back to QWERTY when you need to type quickly or accurately.

This approach allows you to gradually build up your speed and confidence with the new layout without affecting your productivity.

Overcoming Challenges: It’s Part of the Process

Switching keyboard layouts will come with its fair share of challenges.

Typing will feel awkward initially, and you might find yourself pressing the wrong keys.

But remember, it’s all part of the process.

The key to overcoming these challenges is persistence.

Remember the reasons you decided to switch, and let that motivate you to push through the initial difficulty.

Innovative Tools to Ease Your Transition

Just like any significant change, switching from a QWERTY to an alternative keyboard layout can feel daunting.

Fortunately, in this digital age, several tools can make the transition smoother and more manageable.

Online Typing Tutors

Several online platforms provide structured lessons, drills, and typing games for various keyboard layouts.

These platforms, like TypingClub, Tipp10, or Keybr, can help familiarize you with your new layout and improve your speed and accuracy.

Keyboard Stickers and Covers

Visual aids can go a long way in helping you adjust to a new keyboard layout.

Keyboard stickers and silicone covers, available for layouts like Dvorak or Colemak, can be placed over your existing keyboard.

They provide a cost-effective solution that offers immediate visual feedback, helping you get comfortable with your new layout.

Virtual Keyboards

Virtual keyboards can be a great asset when you’re in the initial stages of learning a new layout.

Platforms like Gate2Home offer free online keyboards for various layouts.

You can practice your typing skills anywhere, anytime, without having to alter your physical keyboard.

Dual Layout Keyboards

Keyboards with dual layout capabilities can display two layouts simultaneously, typically QWERTY and another layout like Dvorak or Colemak.

They can be an excellent choice if you’re transitioning and still need to use the QWERTY layout for certain tasks.

what is the other alternative keyboard to the qwerty

The Impact of Alternative Keyboard Layouts on Health and Productivity

When discussing alternative keyboard layouts, it’s essential to consider their potential impact on health and productivity.

Health Benefits

Prolonged typing on a QWERTY keyboard can sometimes lead to discomfort and repetitive strain injuries (RSI) like carpal tunnel syndrome.

Alternative layouts aim to mitigate these issues by reducing finger travel distance and optimizing key placement.

People who have switched report less hand strain and discomfort, and some even notice improvements in existing RSI symptoms.

Productivity Gains

Although your typing speed might decrease during the initial transition phase, don’t be disheartened.

With practice, many typists find that they can type faster on an alternative layout than they ever could on QWERTY.

Furthermore, the ergonomic advantages of these layouts could lead to less fatigue, enabling you to type for longer periods.

Stepping Beyond QWERTY: An Invitation

As we’ve discovered, the QWERTY layout isn’t the only game in town.

From Dvorak to Colemak, Workman to Maltron, alternative keyboard layouts present an exciting realm of possibilities.

Switching might require time and dedication, but the potential benefits — increased speed, reduced strain, enhanced comfort — are enticing.

So, why not give it a try?

The world of alternative keyboard layouts invites you to step beyond QWERTY and discover a new way to interact with your digital devices.

Remember, the only constant in life is change, so don’t be afraid to shake things up and try something new!

Who knows, you might even end up asking yourself, “Why didn’t I switch sooner?”

Frequently Asked Questions about Alternative Keyboard Layouts

Q1: What are the main alternatives to the QWERTY keyboard layout?

Several keyboard layouts serve as alternatives to QWERTY, including Dvorak, Colemak, Workman, and Maltron. Each of these layouts has its unique design philosophy and advantages.

Q2: Why should I consider switching from QWERTY to an alternative layout?

Alternative layouts like Dvorak or Colemak aim to increase typing speed, reduce finger travel, and enhance typing comfort. They might also help mitigate repetitive strain injuries (RSI) related to prolonged typing.

Q3: How difficult is it to switch to a new keyboard layout?

Transitioning to a new layout requires time, practice, and patience. Initially, your typing speed might decrease, but with consistent practice, you will gradually improve and may even surpass your QWERTY speed.

Q4: Are there tools to help me transition to a new keyboard layout?

Yes, numerous resources can aid your transition. Online typing tutors, keyboard stickers, virtual keyboards, and dual layout keyboards can help you learn and get comfortable with your chosen alternative layout.

Q5: Can switching keyboard layouts improve my health?

While it can’t guarantee improved health, switching to an ergonomic keyboard layout might help reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries (RSI) like carpal tunnel syndrome. Some people report less hand strain and discomfort after making the switch.

Q6: Will my productivity decrease if I switch to a different layout?

Your productivity might take a slight hit during the initial transition phase, but once you’re comfortable with the new layout, you might find your typing speed and overall productivity improves.

Q7: What factors should I consider before deciding to switch to an alternative layout?

Before switching, consider your typing needs, health, and the time you’re willing to invest in learning a new layout. It’s also beneficial to research different layouts and perhaps try them out before committing.

Q8: Can I switch back to QWERTY if I don’t like the new layout?

Absolutely! You can always switch back to QWERTY if you find that an alternative layout doesn’t suit your needs or preferences. It’s all about finding what works best for you.


To sum it up, the dominance of the QWERTY keyboard layout doesn’t mean it’s the best fit for everyone. Alternative keyboard layouts like Dvorak, Colemak, Workman, and Maltron provide unique advantages, such as improved typing speed, less strain, and enhanced comfort. Transitioning to these layouts is a personal choice and requires time, patience, and consistent practice.

Numerous resources like online typing tutors, virtual keyboards, and dual layout keyboards can ease the learning process. Though initial challenges are a part of the journey, the potential health benefits and productivity gains are compelling reasons to consider the switch.

So, dare to step beyond QWERTY and explore a new universe of typing experiences. After all, embracing change is the key to innovation and personal growth. Start your keyboard adventure today – a world of possibilities awaits you!

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Why Mechanical Keyboards Are a Better Choice

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